Source code for jsonwspclient.jsonwspmultipart

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jsonwspmultipart :mod:`jsonwspclient.jsonwspmultipart`

from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import, print_function
from hashlib import md5
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
import six
from six import string_types, integer_types
from . import jsonwsputils as utils
log = logging.getLogger('jsonwspclient')
SPLIT = b'(?m)--<b>\n|\n--<b>\n|\n--<b>--|--<b>\r\n|\r\n--<b>\r\n|\r\n--<b>--'
get_headers = re.compile(b'(?m)^(?P<name>.+)\s*:\s*(?P<value>.+)\s*$').findall
split_headers = re.compile(b'(?m)\n\n|\r\n\r\n').search
get_filename = re.compile(
HDFILL = b'\r\n\r\n'
HDFIL2 = b'\n\n'

[docs]def stringify_headers(headers, encoding='UTF-8'): """stringi""" return b"\n".join( b"%s: %s" % (k.encode(encoding), v.encode(encoding)) for k, v in headers.items()) + HDFIL2
[docs]class JsonWspAttachmentMeta(type): """Meta for instance check""" def __instancecheck__(cls, other): if isinstance(other, six.string_types): return other.startswith('cid:') return isinstance(JsonWspAttachment, other)
[docs]class JsonWspAttachment(six.with_metaclass(JsonWspAttachmentMeta)): """Class for the attachments Args: index (int): Attachment index. Attributes: descriptor (any): File descriptor. path (str): Temporary file path. """ def __init__(self, index=0): self.att_id = '' """(str): Attachment id.""" self.descriptor, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='content_') self.filename = None """(str): filename if found in headers.""" self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict() """(CaseInsensitiveDict): attachment headers.""" self.index = index """(int): Attachment index.""" self.size = 0 """(int): Attachment size."""
[docs] def update(self, headers): """update headers""" self.headers.update({k.decode(): v.decode() for k, v in headers.items()}) self.att_id = self.headers.get('content-id', self.att_id) self.filename = ( get_filename(self.headers.get('content-disposition', '')) + [self.filename])[0]
[docs] def close(self): """Try to close the temp file.""" try: os.close(self.descriptor) self.descriptor = None except: pass try: self.descriptor.close() except: pass
[docs] def open(self, mode='rb'): """Open the temp file and return the opened file object Args: mode (srt, optional): open mode for the file object. Returns: (file): the open file. """ self.close() self.descriptor = open(self.filename, mode) return self.descriptor
[docs] def save(self, path, filename=None, overwrite=True): """Save the file to path Args: path (str): Path where to save the file. filename (str, optional): Name for the file (if not already in path) overwrite (bool, optional): Overwrite the file or no (default True) Raises: ValueError: if a filename is not found. Note: If `path` is just a folder without the filename and no filename param is specified it will try to use the filename in the content-disposition header if one. """ filename = filename or self.filename if os.path.isdir(path): if not filename: raise ValueError("filename needed") path = os.path.join(path, filename) if overwrite is False and os.path.exists(path): pass else: shutil.copy(self.path, path)
[docs]class MultiPartReader(object): """Reader""" def __init__(self, headers, content, size=None, chunk_size=8192): self.attachs = {} self.by_id = {} self.headers = headers = None self._aheads = b'' self._asize = 0 self._at_eof = False self._at_eop = False self._boundary = utils.get_boundary(self.headers).encode() self._charset = utils.get_charset(self.headers) self._chunk_size = chunk_size self._content = content self._data = b'' self._fid = None self._info_done = 0 self._last_closed = -1 self._len_rest_chunk = len(self._boundary) + 16 self._length = size or int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', '0')) self._parsed = False self._part_data = b'' self._part_headers = {} self._pcount = 0 self._read_bytes = 0 self._rest = b'' self._split = re.compile( SPLIT.replace(b'<b>', self._boundary.replace(b'"', b''))).split
[docs] def read_chunk(self, size=None): """read_chunk""" if self._at_eof: return None size = size or self._chunk_size chunk_size = min(size, self._length - self._read_bytes) chunk = self._read_bytes += len(chunk) if self._read_bytes == self._length: self._at_eof = True self._content.close() return chunk
[docs] def read_all(self, chunk_size=None): """read_all""" while not self._at_eof: return self
[docs] def write(self, data, save=False): """Write""" if not self._parsed: self._aheads += data has_headers = split_headers(self._aheads) if has_headers: data = self._aheads[has_headers.end():] self._aheads = self._aheads[:has_headers.start()] self._parsed = True if self._parsed: self._asize += len(data) if self._pcount == 0: self._part_data += data self._part_headers = dict(get_headers(self._aheads)) else: if not = json.loads(self._part_data)['headers'] = self._part_headers self._info_done = 1 os.write(self._fid, data) if save: if self._fid is not None: attach = self.attachs[self._pcount - 1] attach.update(dict(get_headers(self._aheads))) attach.size = self._asize attach.close() self._last_closed = self._pcount - 1 if attach.att_id: self.by_id[attach.att_id] = attach if not self._at_eop: attach = JsonWspAttachment(self._pcount) self._fid = attach.descriptor self.attachs[self._pcount] = attach self._pcount += 1 self._asize = 0 self._aheads = b'' self._parsed = False
[docs] def read(self, chunk_size=None): """read""" chunk_size = chunk_size or self._chunk_size chunk = self.read_chunk(chunk_size) parts = self._split(self._rest + chunk) if len(parts) > 1: self._data += parts[0] self.write(self._data, True) for part in parts[1:-1]: self.write(part, True) self._data = b'' self.write(parts[-1:][0][:-self._len_rest_chunk]) self._at_eop = self._at_eof if self._at_eof and self._fid: attach = self.attachs[self._pcount - 1] attach.close() os.remove(attach.path) del attach self._rest = parts[-1:][0][-self._len_rest_chunk:]
[docs] def iterator(self, chunk_size=None): """Iterator""" last_closed = self._last_closed while not self._at_eof: if self._info_done == 1: yield self._info_done = 2 if last_closed != self._last_closed: yield self.attachs[self._last_closed] last_closed = self._last_closed if last_closed != self._last_closed: yield self.attachs[self._last_closed] last_closed = self._last_closed
[docs]class MultiPartWriter(object): """MultiPartWriter""" def __init__(self, jsonpart, files, chunk_size=8192, boundary=None, encoding='UTF-8'): self._chunk_size = chunk_size self._enc = encoding self._boundary = ( boundary or md5(str(time.time()).encode(encoding)).hexdigest() ).encode(encoding) self._jsonpart = jsonpart self._bound = b'\n--%s' % self._boundary self._files = files self._length = self._get_length() self._iter = None self.headers = { "Content-type": b'multipart/related; boundary=' + self._boundary, "Accept": b'application/json,multipart/related', } def _get_length(self): """Get Length""" length = len(self._get_multipart()) length += len(self._get_jsonpart()) for fileid, fobj in self._files.items(): length += len(self._get_attachpart(fileid)), os.SEEK_END) length += fobj.tell() + len(self._bound) length += len(b'--') return length def __len__(self): return self._length def _get_multipart(self): return b"--" + self._boundary + b"\n" def _get_jsonpart(self): """The Envelope part""" return stringify_headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json, charset={}'.format(self._enc), 'Content-ID': 'body' }) + six.b(json.dumps(self._jsonpart)) + self._bound @staticmethod def _get_attachpart(fileid): """The Envelope part""" return b"\n" + stringify_headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-ID': fileid }) def _iterator(self, chunk_size=None): """iteratore""" chunk_size = chunk_size or self._chunk_size part = self._get_multipart() yield part part = self._get_jsonpart() yield part for fileid, fobj in self._files.items(): part = self._get_attachpart(fileid) yield part while True: chunk = if not chunk: yield self._bound break yield chunk yield b'--'
[docs] def read(self, chunk_size=None): """Read""" try: if self._iter is None: self._iter = self._iterator(chunk_size) return next(self._iter) return self._iter.send(chunk_size) except StopIteration: return None
def __next__(self): return
[docs] def next(self): """Next""" if self._iter is None: self._iter = self._iterator() try: return next(self._iter) except StopIteration: return None
def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def close(self): """Close""" pass
JSONTYPES = { 'number': integer_types, 'string': string_types, 'boolean': bool, 'float': float, 'object': dict, 'array': (list, tuple,), 'attachment': JsonWspAttachment }